AUG 12-15, 2024

777 Garner Rd E, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4

And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.


Invitation to Convention 2024

It is my great pleasure to invite all our CHP members, young and old, to our 2024 Convention, in Ancaster, ON.

This is a great opportunity to set direction for our Party; strategize toward the next election; and get to know our fellow CHPers.

We want YOU in Ancaster for our 14th National Convention and YOU want to be there!

Invitation au congrès 2024

C'est avec grand plaisir que j'invite tous nos membres du CHP, jeunes et moins jeunes, à notre congrès 2024, à Ancaster, en Ontario.

Il s’agit d’une excellente occasion de définir l’orientation de notre Parti ; élaborer une stratégie en vue des prochaines élections ; et apprenez à connaître nos collègues CHPers.

Nous voulons que VOUS soyez à Ancaster pour notre 14e Congrès national et VOUS voulez y être !

Jerome Dondo,

CHP National President


Welcome to your source for news and updates regarding our 2024 National Convention

2024 THEME: Arise and Build

THEME VERSE: Nehemiah 2:18-20

“And they said, Let us rise up and build. And they strengthened their hands for the good [work]" ESV

DATES: Aug. 12 to 15, 2024

LOCATION: Ancaster, ON

LODGING: Redeemer University

ADDRESS: 777 Garner Rd E, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4

Room cost $75 per day

To book accommodations

at Redeemer University, call George at 1-888-868-3247 or email:


Rate Code: CHP

REGISTER: Please register as soon as possible and encourage others in your area to participate.

Consider bringing others with you – especially active young people, who truly are the leaders of tomorrow!

If you can't attend, consider sponsoring others! Use this event as a celebration for your EDA/constituency! Bring your board members and supporters to a unique off-site event that will help set the tone for your region!



Approved Convention Speakers

Dr. Aaron Rock

Founding Pastor of Harvest Bible Church

Pastor Nate Wright

Ezra Institute

Andrew DeBartolo

Liberty Coalition

Josh Alexander

High School Student

All Members Seeking Delegate Status for the 2024 Convention

Seeking Deletgate Status?

  • Should you wish to seek delegate status, your membership must be up to date. You can confirm this by checking the date on your envelope / membership card / or call George at 1-888-868-3247.

  • You must contact your EDA President ( to advise him/her of your interest in being a delegate. The EDA must determine which applicants will best represent their EDA. This can be done via a membership meeting online, by telephone, or in person.

  • If there is no EDA, you must contact your Provincial Council President ( to advise the president of your interest in being a delegate.

  • If there is neither EDA or Provincial Council, you must contact the National Executive Director ( to advise her of your interest in being a delegate.

  • This information must be received by EDA, Provincial or National as soon as possible but not later than July 1 .

  • The Credentials Committee will receive this information from EDA Presidents, Provincial Councils or National Office not later than July 1 for verification to the national membership list.

  • Should you require hardcopies of the resolutions, please contact your EDA / Provincial / National Office to arrange this. *   See Constitution Article F.6.c to determine how many delegates may represent your EDA.

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved